Not every tip you find will be useful to you. Tips that Will Definitely Help Reduce a Document’s Size We’ve got a lot of tips to share, so we’ve broken them down into things that will definitely help reduce the size of a Word document, things that might help, and some commonly-suggested tips with which you shouldn’t bother. This is partly because sites like How-To Geek have written comprehensive articles explaining how to do this, and partly because, well, images always seem to bump up the size of a Word document beyond reason. You should still go ahead and follow the tips we wrote in that article because if you’ve got images, they’ll help you.īut if you haven’t got images, or you’ve followed those tips and need to reduce the file size more, we’ve got you covered. When you’ve got a Word document that’s a bit too large, the first thing you’ll try is compressing the images in it. If you’re dealing with a huge document, here are some things you can try to reduce its file size. But it also seems like documents can grow out of hand for seemingly no reason at all.
Word documents can get huge, unusually long, complex documents with loads of embedded images, fonts, and other objects.